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Hot Key & Sharp Code Summary

Hot Keys

Hot key Action
Ctrl + [home] Going to the chat box.
Ctrl + [n] Choosing No. [n] client in the client list. [n] ranges from 1 to 9.
Alt + [n] Choosing No. [n] item in the search results. [n] ranges from 1 to 9.
Alt + 0 Copying the current search result and pasting it into the chat box.

Sharp Codes

Sharp Code Action
#flag Flag or unflag the current client.
#[n] Selecting No. [n] client in the client list. [n] ranges from 1 to 9.
#/[keyword] Searching for the given keyword(s) in the knowledge base. To search for multiple keywords, use slash as separator: #/[keyword1]/[keyword2]/.../[keyword5]. Up to five keywords allowed.
#+[title] Adding the message to knowledge base. Text before #+ becomes knowledge body and part after #+ becomes title. If the message begins with #+, the last message sent by the operator will become knowledge body.