< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=578402809390336&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> Pages | Acobot

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This feature lists the web pages by their states

  • Pages that AI has processed.
  • Pages that AI has left in queue.
  • Pages that AI has ignored.

Pages learned

You should review the pages learned to identify web pages that are not helpful for the visitors. The examples of such helpless pages includes:

  • Tag pages
  • User profiles
  • Outdated or archived pages
  • Blog pages

The criteria may vary depending on your website or business.

If you have identified any helpless pages, click "Patterners" to filter out the similar pages with their path patterns.

Pages left

If there are any “Pages left", you should take action to eliminate them.

There are too possible causes to the pages left.

  • The page count of your website exceeds your page quota.
  • Your website is too slow to be processed within your time quota.

By default the page quota is 300. You can request us to increase the quota for your AI but before that you must ensure you have removed all of the helpless pages.

If the cause is timeout, you should improve the speed of your website. We do not increase time quota alone. We only increase time quota for AI with a larger page quota.

At any rate, you should ensure there are no pages left or the performance of your AI chatbot would be poor.

Pages excluded

There will be Pages excluded if you have ever set up any filters. You should review the pages excluded to see if any helpful pages are excluded unexpectedly. If any, you may need to adjust the filters.